Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Wednesday the 6th of March

Warm-up series - 2 push press + 2 jerk behind neck + 2 press behind neck in split position - 4 sets
Power clean + front squat + clean + jerk (3 sec pause in split) - 5 sets

Hang snatch high-pull, flat-footed - 4 x 4

Front squat - 8 x 4 @ 75% TO 80%

Increase weight on all exercises from last week. You may need to keep the increase on the squats minimal depending on how tough they were last week - notice you have another 2 sets this week.
50 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps
30 Push Press 25/40kg
20 Kettlebell Swings
10 Pull Ups
10 Minutes



Monday, 4 March 2013

Tuesday the 5th of March

Week 3 of 11

2 snatch long pull + 2 overhead squat + 2 Sots press x 4 sets


Snatch segment pull (1", knee, hip, finish) + snatch pull - (1+1) x 4 sets

Snatch - 70% x 3 x 5

Snatch push press + OHS - 5 x 3+1

5 rounds
5  pull Ups
10 V-sits
5 Toes to bar
10 Burpees


Sunday, 3 March 2013

Monday the 4th of March

Monday March 4th


Warm-up series - 2 snatch long pull + 2 snatch push press + 2 overhead squats - 4 sets

Power snatch + OHS + snatch (2 sec pause in bottom of OHS and snatch) x 5 sets
Push press + jerk behind neck + jerk (5 sec hold in split) x 5 sets

Jerk dip squat - 5 x 3
Add weight to all exercises today. Next week will be a lighter week, so push your weight increases this week.
12 minutes
20 double unders
20Backsquats 40/60kg
200m run


CrossFit West Dublin Olympic Lifting meet review

                                                          CROSSFIT WEST DUBLIN
On Saturday 2nd March, CrossFit West Dublin held an in house Olympic Lifting Meet for CFWD Athletes. After 3 weeks of the current 12 week Olympic Lifting program, this gave members an opportunity to see where each of you have seen improvements. Improvements have been made primarily in technique and execution of the 2 Lifts, which have transferred into heavier weights being lifted.
Well done to all Lifters, who took advantage of the opportunity to lift in a controlled competitive environment. It can be a pretty daunting thought to be put on the platform, in the spotlight, with the eyes of your fellow lifters and judges on you. CFWD Lifters who took part -  Karen O’Shea who was the only female to represent along with, Darryl Jones, Graeme Todd, John Kavanagh and Paul Malone.  
Darryl Jones –
Snatch –
Darryl opened with 45kgs and missed 50kgs on his 2nd and 3rd attempts. However Darryl managed an easy 50kg Power Snatch in his warm up. This just goes to show the mental effect of the Platform can have on a lifter.  
Clean and Jerk –
Opening Lift was 65kgs, he failed his second attempt at 70kgs, but came back well in his last Lift and got the 70kgs.
Total – 115kgs 
Graeme Todd –
Snatch –
Graeme opened with a great lift at 50kgs, but failed at 55kgs for his 2nd and 3rd attempts. Graeme has recently made huge improvements in strength and ability in executing lifts. It is only a matter of time before Graeme pushes past the 55kgs Snatch to a 60kg+.
Clean and Jerk –
Opening lift for Graeme was 60kgs, this was a good lift which was followed with another good lift at 62.5kgs and also got another good lift for his 3rd Lift at 65kgs. Nice Lifting from Graeme and was the only Lifter to get 3 good lifts in his Clean and Jerk. 
Total – 115kgs
 John Kavanagh –
Snatch –
John opened with a comfortable 57.5kg Slpit Snatch, and went on to lift 62.5kg for his second good lift. John then went onto lift 70kg, and missed that weight.
Clean and Jerk –
John opened his Clean and Jerk with a good lift at 77.5kg, this was followed with another clean lift at 82.5kg and went for 85kg on his 3rd attempt and missed this lift. 
Total – 140kgs
Paul Malone
Snatch –
Pauls first lift was an easy 60kgs, which flew up. Paul added 2.5kgs an secured his second lift at 62.5kgs. Pauls last attempt was 65kgs, which he just missed, but it is not far away.
Clean and Jerk –
Opening lift was a good lift at 82.5kgs, this was followed another good lift at 87.5kgs. Paul went for 90kgs for his last lift which was a no lift, due to a slight push out on his right arm.
Total – 150kgs
Karen O’Shea –
Snatch –
Karen opened with a 15kg Snatch, which flew up. Karens second and third attempt was at 25kgs, which she missed due to pressing out both lifts.
Clean and Jerk –
Karen opened with 27.5kgs, which was a good lift, followed with 30kgs which was a missed lift. Karen went for 30kgs again on her last lift of the day and successfully nailed it!!
Total – 45kgs
One point that must be made is that Karen has only been exposed to Olympic Lifting very recently. To take on what she has learnt at this early stage and have the confidence to get on the platform and mix it up with the Male Lifters is a credit to her, this credit should be shared by everyone else involved, fellow Lifters and Coaches alike who made the day and the environment a comfortable place to Lift.
Karen has also confirmed that she will be one of the female lifters who will be competing in the All Ladies Olympic Lifting Competition, which will be held at CFWD. It would be good to see as much support as possible for the CFWD Lifters on the day.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Saturday WOD


20 Front rack walking Lunge 40kg/60kg
9 Snatch Grip Deadlift 60kg/40kg
9 Shoulder to Overhead 60kg/40kg
20 Front rack walking lunges 60kg/40kg
7 Snatch Grip Deadlift
7 Shoulder to Overhead
20 Front Rack walking lunges
5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 Shoulder to Overhead
200 Double Unders
( for every time you stop do 3 HSPU)
40 Pull Ups
30 Knees to elbow
100 metre KB Farmers carry 24/16kg
400 m run

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Friday the 1st of March

As we are having our In house weightlifting comp on Saturday we won't be testing our 1 rep max on the Snatch and clean and Jerk.

Instead you will have a choice of

3 sets of 5

As we have lots of new members ..new members will be given a chance to get some numbers on the PB Board and will be allowed go for a 1 rep max on either or both lifts.





5 Rounds

200 m Run

21 V- sits
21 Sit Ups
21 Hollow Rocks

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Thursday the 28th Of February


    Warm-up series - 2 clean long pull + 2 front squat + 2 clean Sots press x 4 sets

      Clean segment pull (1", knee, hip, finish) + clean pull - (1+1) x 2 x 4 sets

      Clean & jerk - 65% x (3 + 1) x 5

      Snatch balance - 5 x 3
     10 minutes
     21 Deadlifts 70kg /100kg
     21 Burpees
     15 Deadlifts
    15 Burpees
      9 Deadlifts
      9 Burpees

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Wednesday the 27th of February


Warm-up series
2 push press + 2 jerk behind neck + 2 press behind neck in split position - 4 sets

Power clean + front squat + clean + jerk (3 sec pause in split) - 5 sets

Hang snatch high-pull, flat-footed - 4 x 4

Front squat - 75% x 4 x 6

Amrap 12 Minutes
5 Toes to Bar  
7 Wall Balls  
9 Box Jumps   

Monday, 25 February 2013

Tuesday the 25th of February


Warm-up series - 2 snatch long pull + 2 overhead squat + 2    Sots press x 4 sets

Snatch segment pull (1", knee, hip, finish) + snatch pull - (1+1) x 2 x 4 sets

 Snatch - 65% x 3 x 5

Snatch push press + OHS - 5 x 3+1 

3 sets: no rest:

10  chainsaw rows 10 EACH SIDE 

15 v-sits
10 Burpees

You're doing one fewer reps on the snatch segment pulls this week, so take the weight up. The reps for the snatch push press and overhead squats are the same, but try to up the weight at least slightly this week. Again, though, keep the weight within your ability to execute perfect reps. 


Go heavy on the KB chainsaw rows - use your whole body to get the weight up.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Monday 25th of February


Add weight to all exercises from last week. Be smart about your increases - make the weights challenging, but remember that every rep of every set must be done as close to perfectly as possible. You don't need to increase equally among exercises.

Warm-up series - 2 snatch long pull + 2 snatch push press + 2       overhead squats - 4 sets

    Power snatch + OHS + snatch (2 sec pause in bottom of OHS and    snatch) x 5 sets


    Push press + jerk behind neck + jerk (5 sec hold in split)x5sets
    Jerk dip squat - 5 x 3



3 sets - no rest:

10 1-arm KB swings per arm 16kg/24kg

10 1-arm KB push press per arm

10 sit-ups
Amrap Double Unders
5 Minutes

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Friday the 22nd Of February


Your choice of warm up series

1  rep max Snatch

1 rep max clean and Jerk



3  Minutes

1 minute Rest

Thrusters - 30/45kg

3 Minutes

Pull Ups

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Thursday the 21st of February


Warm-up series - 2 clean long pull + 2 front squat + 2 clean Sots press x 4 sets

    - Clean segment pull (1, knee, hip, finish) + clean pull - (1+1) x 2 x 4 sets

    - Clean & jerk - 65% x (3 + 1) x 5

    - Snatch balance - 5 x 3

25 Box Jumps

5 Rounds

10 Wall Balls
10 Squat Cleans
10 Broad Jumps

25 Box Jumps

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Wednesday the 20th of February


Warm-up series
     - 2 push press + 2 jerk behind neck + 2 press behind neck in split position - 3 sets

    - Power clean + front squat + clean + jerk (5 sec pause in split) - 5 sets

    - Hang snatch high-pull, flat-footed - 4 x 4

    - Front squat - 75% x 4 x 4
50 Air Squats
40 Double Unders
30 Push Press
20 Burpees
10 Pull Ups
10 Minutes


Monday, 18 February 2013

Tuesday the 19th of February


                                        Joanne has really come on the last couple of months .
                                        Snatch Technique really looking good today Jo - Nice work


Warm-up series - 2 snatch long pull + 2 overhead squat + 2 Sots press x 4 sets

 Snatch segment pull (1 knee, hip, finish) + snatch pull - (1+1) x 3 x 4 sets

Snatch - 60% x 3 x 5
Snatch push press + OHS - 5 x 3+1


3 sets  no rest
 Bent row x 5

 Jack knife x 15 ( V-sits )
50 Double Unders
3 Rounds
5 Hand Stand Push Ups
10 Toes To Bar
15 Kettle bell Swings 16kg/24kg
50 Double Unders
12 Minutes

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Monday the 18th of February


Warm-up series  2 snatch long pull 
                2 snatch push press
                2 overhead squats  x  4 sets

    1 Power snatch +  1 OHS + 1 snatch (2 sec pause in bottom)x5 sets

    1 Push press + 1 jerk behind neck + 1 jerk (5 sec hold in split) x 5 sets

     Jerk dip squat - 5 x 3

  Week 1 of 11

Weights this week should be a challenge, but definitely not maximal for any of the sets. Jerk dip squat should be around 80-100% of your best jerk. Position must be perfect.
10 Minutes
10 Burpees
100 metre sprint
10 Squats

Friday, 15 February 2013

Saturday the 16th of February


Workout 1

Warm Up :)



Double Unders
Sit Ups

Workout 2


21 - 15 - 9

Cleans ( squat cleans) 40kg / 60kg
Ring Dips


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Thursday the 14th of February

                                                           Happy Valentines Day

Warm Up

2 clean long pulls
2 Front Squats
2 Sots Press

Clean segment Pull

1 Clean from Hip, Knee , Floor plus 1 Clean Pull  x 2 - 3 sets

Clean and Jerk - 60% of 1 Rep Max x 3, than 3 Singles

Snatch Balance - 3 x 3 80% of your 1 rep max ( this will be determined on how good your technique is )


10 Minute Cut Off

21 - 15 - 9

Overhead Squats 30kg/45kg

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Wednesday the 13th of February

Warm Up 
3 sets
2 Push Press 
2 Behind the Neck Jerks 
2 Behind the neck in split position  
Power Clean + Front Squat + clean + Jerk ( 3 second pause in split position)
3 sets  
Hang Snatch High Pull , flat footed 3 sets of 4

Front Squat - 65% x 4 - 3 sets



10 Minutes

10 Deadlifts 60/80kg
5 Bar Hop Burpees
10 Double Unders
5 Toes To bar


Monday, 11 February 2013

Tuesday the 12th of February

Amy Laffen from CrossFit Waterford...Amy is the top CrossFit Girl in Ireland at the moment.
Amy came 22nd at the London Throwdown and will be one of the many strong ass women competing at CFWD for the 1st ever ALL LADIES Olympic Lifting Competition on April 6th.

Entry fee is 20euro please contact me if you would like a chance to show off your skills.


Warm-up series - 2 snatch long pull + 2 overhead squat + 2 Sots press

 Snatch segment pull(1", knee, hip, finish) + snatch pull - (1 + 1) x 2 x 3 sets

  Snatch - 60% x 3 x 3

  Snatch push press + overhead squat - 3 + 1 x 3


3 sets; no rest:

1)  Bent row x 5

2) Jack knives x 15
5 Back Squats 45kg/65kg
10 Box Jumps
15 Wall Balls

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Monday the 11th of February




People often underestimate or just don’t fully understand the benefits of drilling, training and executing these 2 Olympic Lifts. The Snatch and the Clean and Jerk are far superior to Power Lifting, Strongman or Bodybuilding training. The Olympic Lifts are explosive and demand flexibility, focus and precision in execution of lift. Both are highly skill intensive.

One of the main benefits of learning these lifts is the amount of muscles used for each lift. It is the explosive nature of these lifts that produces huge benefits. Full body exercises that incorporate power and explosiveness have been the only lifts shown to increase human growth hormone, which results in healthier, leaner younger bodies. Olympic Lifting Athletes also burn more calories during an Oly Lifting session, as more muscle fibres are recruited and used for each lift.

As CrossFit grows, so does the exposure of these two Olympic Lifts to those coming through CrossFit Boxes across the Globe. In last years Games event both the Snatch and Clean and Jerk played there part. In this years London Throwdown again these lifts proved to be a hurdle too far for some and they dropped valuable points.

These lifts demand respect and patience in drilling mobility and technical ability to execute these lifts with confidence. The rewards are worth it when they come, to nail a heavy Snatch or take a body weight load from the ground and take it over head is a great accomplishment. You also gain a new respect for those smaller lighter athletes who manage to move vast amounts of weight at speed with ease.

These new skills transfer easily into CrossFit and other sports. Developing and improving the aggressive hip extension will benefit nearly every movement you do in your daily WODs. Whether it be the Air Squat, Kipping Pull Up, Broad Jump, Box Jump, Kettlebell Swing, Power Clean or Jerk, they all require an active Hip.



Monday the 11th of February

A lot of the time spent in the first week of this program is going to be spent establishing what your drill weight is for each movement. The biggest mistake all athletes make is letting your ego dictate the weight. As you begin this program you will need to check your ego at the door and bring it back to basics , you will be learning new drills, new ways to better your technique which will lead to heavier lifts in the long run.

Monday February 11th  2013
This cycle focuses on classic lift performance with an emphasis on position, posture and pulling strength.

 Warm-up series 
 2 sets ( we will be going through these with a PVC PIPE FIRST)

 2 snatch long pull
 2 snatch push press 
 2 overhead squats

3 Sets

Power snatch 
overhead squat 
snatch (2 sec pause in bottom of each) 
3 Sets
Push press 
Jerk behind neck + jerk (5 sec hold in split position) 

 3 x 3 - Jerk Dip Squats ( this will be done at whatever weight you jerk comfortably)


12 Minute Amrap

5 Pull Ups
7 Burpees
21 Double Unders ( Unbroken)

Regarding the Olympic Lifting class on a Tuesday , this will be available as a skill development Class so you can work on your gymnastic skills (i.e) Muscle up progression or any other skill or workout you would like to improve on. ( Unlimited members only) If you wish to avail of the Open Gym Class from 6pm-7pm on Tuesday and you are not an Unlimited member there will be a drop in fee of 12Euro.

Also the Mobility Class has run for 6 weeks now and it was a great success so we will be keeping it on. This class will be free to unlimited members .. there will be a charge of 5 euro per class for unlimited members. You will have to book in for this class so please email or text me if you would like to sign up .

Friday, 8 February 2013

Saturday the 9th of February


Cheat Day :)

Buy in
100 Double Unders


21 -15 -9

Deadlifts 80kg/110kg
Burpee Bar Jumps


30 Clusters @ 45/65KG

Then haha

3 rounds

10 Pull Ups
10 Shoulder to Overhead  40kg/60kg



Thursday, 7 February 2013

Friday the 8th of February

Strength / Skill

Your Choice

15 Minutes

Workout 1


150 Wall Balls


10 Minute cut off

Workout 2

Death by Power Cleans


On the minute every minute

1st minute 1 power Clean
2nd Minute 2 power Cleans
3rd Minute 3 Power Cleans

and so on :)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Wednesday the 6th of February



3 x 5


3 Rounds

5 Deadlifts 80kg/120kg
10 Push Ups
5 Ring Dips
10 Pull Ups

Monday, 4 February 2013

Tuesday the 5th of February


Hand Stands


Back Squats

3 x 3 @ 90%


3 Minutes Box Jumps

1 Minute Rest

3 Minutes Burpees

1 Minute Rest

3 Minutes Wall Balls

1 Minute Rest

3 Minutes Front Squats - 30/45kg

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Monday the 4th of February

                                                   Sean Og Showing them how its done on the Pull Ups
                                                                 workout .


Double Unders




10 Minute Amrap

12 Down Ups
18 Kettlebell Swings ( Competition standard)
24 UNBROKEN double unders :)

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Friday the 1st of February

Its great to see everyone back in the box :) January is well and truly over and everyone is back to full health.

The evenings are getting brighter and spring is nearly upon us.
Registration is open for the CrossFit Open ..which I would like everyone to register for. This is a chance to put yourself up against CrossFitters from all over the world, in the comfort of your own box. So for those of you that are a little nervous about competing , this is perfect.

The CrossFit Open is a chance to work on those weaknesses. You will find you will achieve things you never thought possible like last year a lot of athletes achieved their 1 rep max on the snatch.

This is exactly what we are working on today.

February we are gonna be continuing to work on those skills..




Intermediate/Advanced athletes

3 sets of 5 at 80% of your 1 rep max

Beginner athletes

Snatch Drills
We will be bringing it back to basics :)



Pull Ups
Power Snatch 25kg/40kg

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Thursday the 31st of January


Hand Stands


Squat Cleans


30 - 20 -10
30 of each
20 of each
10 of each

Box Jumps 20"/24"
Squat Cleans 30/45kg

Siobhan - SCALE 25kg -14.20
Lorna - 4.57 As Rx'd
Sean Og - 4.45 As Rx'd
Ben - 11.17 Rx'd
Enda - 12/20 Cleans - Rx'd
Dave 4/20 Cleans - 30kg
Debbie 5/20 Burpees - 20kg
Rob - 2/10 Cleans - Rx'd
Les - 5/10 Burpees Rx'd
Saoirse - 20/20 burpees - 25kg Scale
Joe Brady 1 round plus 10 toes to bar - 40kg press PB :)
Ray 5/20 Burpees - 40kg
Keith - 8/10 Burpees Rx'd
Eoin - 5/10 Burpees Rx'd
Darryl - 30/20/10 - Box Jumps , Push Ups , Assisted Ring Dips -13.10
Paul Malone - 10/20 Squat Cleans - Rx'd
Karen - 10/10 Burpees
Shane - 10/10 Burpees
John Neenan - 4/10 Box Jumps
Scotty - 20/20 Box Jumps - 35kg
Louise - 20/20 Cleans
Luke H - 10/10 Box Jumps - 30kg

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Wednesday the 30th of January


Turkish Get Up

Over Head Squats

3 x 5


13 Minutes

3 Overhead Squats 45/70kg
12 Sprawls
15 Sprawls


4 Split Jerks
4quat Jumps
4 Split Jerks
8 SQt Jumps
4 Split Jerks
12 Squat Jumps
4 Split Jerks
16 Squat Jumps
4 Split Jerks
20 Squat Jumps

Tuesday the 29th of January

Skill / Strength

Muscle Up Progression


sets of ten
75% of 1 rm


12 - 9 - 6

Deadlifts 70/100kg
Deficit HandStand Push Ups

Monday, 28 January 2013

Monday's Workout


Hand Stand Practise ( warm up)


Back Squat


2 rounds for time

14 Thrusters 30/45kg
14 Chest to bar Pull Ups
14 Burpees

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Friday the 25th of January


Your choice of Squat

Your choice of reps



3 Rounds

800 metre Run

50 Back Extension
50 Sit Ups

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Thursday the 24th of January


Front Squats

x 10

Hang Cleans

5  heavy doubles 80% of  your 1  rep max


3 Rounds( 1 minute  break between rounds )

1 Round is

1  MinuteBox Jumps

1  Minute Front Squats

1   Minute Push Press

1 Minute Double Unders

1 Minute Hang Cleans 20/30kg

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Wednesday the 23rd of January

Skill/ Strength

Split Jerk

3 x 3 @ 80%

Pull Ups

5 x 10

Workout 1

3 Rounds

5 Hand Stand Push Ups
10 Wall Balls
15 Power Cleans 30/45kg

Workout 2

21 - 15 - 9

Hollow rocks
Toes to Bar

Monday, 21 January 2013

Tuesday the 22nd of January

Skill / Strength

Ring Dips 5 x 10
Back Squats - 10 @ 75% of your 1 Rep Max


5 Rounds

200 Metre Run
25 Air Squats

Weightlifting Workout

Wod 3 C and D London throwdown.

3 Snatch ( any variation)

Score is total weight

3 Cleans ( any variation)

Score is total weight.

8 Minute Cap

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Monday the 21st of January

" If you can't fly then run , If you can't run then walk, If you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you
   do you have to keep moving forward"

   Martin Luther King Jnr

London Throwdown Week

As the London Throwdown is taking place this week, I will be programming lots of variations of the workouts that will be performed there.

By programming these workouts I would like to give CFWD members a taste of the challenges that athletes taking part in the London Throwdown will be experiencing this weekend.

Not all athletes will be masters of every skill ( including me) it is an example that no matter what level there will always be an area of your own athletic development that needs to be worked on.
It is only on occasions like this that your weaknesses really get highlighted.

So no matter what is programmed this week , Get in to the Box and work on those weaknesses!!"
Be assured that everyone will have a weakness this week , but also be reassured that there will be lots of help from your coaches and from your fellow athletes in getting you a step closer in turning that weakness into a new strength.

Don't let the things you can't do stop you from doing the things you can !!!!!!


Hand Stand Practise

Workout 1

10 Minute Amrap

10 Down Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings
40 Double Unders

10 Minute Break

Workout 2

Snatch / Jerk Ladder

20 Minutes to make it as far up the Snatch ladder as possible.

1 Snatch 40kg/60kg
2 Split Jerk ( Alternate legs)
3 Squat bar Jumps
2 Snatch 40/60kg
4 Split Jerks
6 Squat Bar Jumps

Friday, 18 January 2013

Friday the 18th of January

Skill / strength

Your Choice :)

Workout 1

3 Rounds

200 metre run
10 Burpees 20" / 24"
5 Toes To bar

Workout 2

Amrap 10 Minutes

7 Squat Cleans 40/60kg
14 Kettlebell Swings 16/24kg

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Thursday the 17th of January


Overhead Squat x 10


Hand Stand Practise


3 Minute Amrap

Wall Balls

1 Minute rest

3 Minute Amrap

Kettlebell Swings

1 Minute Rest

3 Minute Amrap

Deadlift at 50% of your 1 rep max

1 Minute Rest

3 Minute Amrap


Score is based on how many burpees you do :)

See you all tomorrow

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Wednesday the 16th of January




Muscle Up Progression


7 Minute Amrap

5 Box Jumps

7 Air Squats

9 Wall Balls

Weight Lifting Workout


30 Power Snatch for time 40kg/60kg

10 Minute cut off

Monday, 14 January 2013

Tuesday The 15th of January




Back Squat


7 minute amrap


Weight lifting workout

5 rounds

1 Deadlift
1 hang power Clean
1 Push Press
1 Overhead Squat

adding weight on each round

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Monday the 14th of January




Muscle Up Progression

Deadhang Pull ups - weighted pull ups
Ring Dips -weighted ring dips


Mini Cindy
Amrap 10 minutes

5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Lifting Workout

15 minutes

3 x 5 Strict Press
3 x 5 Push Press
3 x 5 Push Jerk

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Thursday the 10th of January






15 Minute Amrap

Push Jerks 5 35kg/50kg

Bar Hop Burpees 7

Box Jumps 9

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Wednesday the 9th of January




Strict Press



10 minutes
5 Box Jumps
5 Squats
5 Wall Balls

Weight Lifting WOD

21-15 -9

Power Snatch 30/45kg
Over Head Squats 30/45kg

Monday, 7 January 2013

Tuesday the 8th of January


Back Squats

Working up to a heavy single - using 10 reps



Muscle up Progression


3 Rounds

400 metre run

25 Burpees

Weight Lifting Workout

"Grace "

30 Power Clean and Jerks

40kg / 60kg

10 minutes

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Workout for the 7th of January

Hi everyone

New timetable starts this week.

Check the website.


Push Jerk

5 x 3 at @ 90%



3 x 5 @ 80%


400 metre run

15 Thrusters
15 Pull Ups
12 Thrusters
12 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull Ups

400 metre run

12 minutes

Weight Lifting Workout

Hang Cleans 3 x 3 @ 80%

or go lighter

Hang Cleans 5 x 10 @ 60%

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Friday the 4th of January


Hang Power Clean

2 x 5 @ 80%



Strict Press

2 x 5 @ 75%


8 minutes


Push Ups
Pull Ups

Weight Lifting Workout

3 sets of 5

Curtis P

Power Clean
Left leg / right leg Lunge
Push Press

Choose a heavy challenging weight ,with which you can still maintain good form.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013


Strength / Skill

Power Snatch 2 x 5 @80%

 Back Squat 1 rep max


Muscle Up Training

If you wish to do some more work on achieving your muscle up as I know a few of you do, please let me know tomorrow and I will put you on a program that you should do twice a week.this training can be done instead of the strength and skill on the days programmed.


Amrap 10 minutes

7 Wall Balls
100 m sprint
7 Pull Ups ( chest to Bar)
100m Sprint

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Wednesday the 2nd of January


Pull ups


30 box jumps
30 Burpees
30 broad jumps

20 box jumps
20 Burpees
20 Broad jumps

10 box jumps
10 Burpees
10 Broad jumps

15 minutes