Monday, 25 February 2013

Tuesday the 25th of February


Warm-up series - 2 snatch long pull + 2 overhead squat + 2    Sots press x 4 sets

Snatch segment pull (1", knee, hip, finish) + snatch pull - (1+1) x 2 x 4 sets

 Snatch - 65% x 3 x 5

Snatch push press + OHS - 5 x 3+1 

3 sets: no rest:

10  chainsaw rows 10 EACH SIDE 

15 v-sits
10 Burpees

You're doing one fewer reps on the snatch segment pulls this week, so take the weight up. The reps for the snatch push press and overhead squats are the same, but try to up the weight at least slightly this week. Again, though, keep the weight within your ability to execute perfect reps. 


Go heavy on the KB chainsaw rows - use your whole body to get the weight up.

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