Sunday, 10 February 2013

Monday the 11th of February




People often underestimate or just don’t fully understand the benefits of drilling, training and executing these 2 Olympic Lifts. The Snatch and the Clean and Jerk are far superior to Power Lifting, Strongman or Bodybuilding training. The Olympic Lifts are explosive and demand flexibility, focus and precision in execution of lift. Both are highly skill intensive.

One of the main benefits of learning these lifts is the amount of muscles used for each lift. It is the explosive nature of these lifts that produces huge benefits. Full body exercises that incorporate power and explosiveness have been the only lifts shown to increase human growth hormone, which results in healthier, leaner younger bodies. Olympic Lifting Athletes also burn more calories during an Oly Lifting session, as more muscle fibres are recruited and used for each lift.

As CrossFit grows, so does the exposure of these two Olympic Lifts to those coming through CrossFit Boxes across the Globe. In last years Games event both the Snatch and Clean and Jerk played there part. In this years London Throwdown again these lifts proved to be a hurdle too far for some and they dropped valuable points.

These lifts demand respect and patience in drilling mobility and technical ability to execute these lifts with confidence. The rewards are worth it when they come, to nail a heavy Snatch or take a body weight load from the ground and take it over head is a great accomplishment. You also gain a new respect for those smaller lighter athletes who manage to move vast amounts of weight at speed with ease.

These new skills transfer easily into CrossFit and other sports. Developing and improving the aggressive hip extension will benefit nearly every movement you do in your daily WODs. Whether it be the Air Squat, Kipping Pull Up, Broad Jump, Box Jump, Kettlebell Swing, Power Clean or Jerk, they all require an active Hip.



Monday the 11th of February

A lot of the time spent in the first week of this program is going to be spent establishing what your drill weight is for each movement. The biggest mistake all athletes make is letting your ego dictate the weight. As you begin this program you will need to check your ego at the door and bring it back to basics , you will be learning new drills, new ways to better your technique which will lead to heavier lifts in the long run.

Monday February 11th  2013
This cycle focuses on classic lift performance with an emphasis on position, posture and pulling strength.

 Warm-up series 
 2 sets ( we will be going through these with a PVC PIPE FIRST)

 2 snatch long pull
 2 snatch push press 
 2 overhead squats

3 Sets

Power snatch 
overhead squat 
snatch (2 sec pause in bottom of each) 
3 Sets
Push press 
Jerk behind neck + jerk (5 sec hold in split position) 

 3 x 3 - Jerk Dip Squats ( this will be done at whatever weight you jerk comfortably)


12 Minute Amrap

5 Pull Ups
7 Burpees
21 Double Unders ( Unbroken)

Regarding the Olympic Lifting class on a Tuesday , this will be available as a skill development Class so you can work on your gymnastic skills (i.e) Muscle up progression or any other skill or workout you would like to improve on. ( Unlimited members only) If you wish to avail of the Open Gym Class from 6pm-7pm on Tuesday and you are not an Unlimited member there will be a drop in fee of 12Euro.

Also the Mobility Class has run for 6 weeks now and it was a great success so we will be keeping it on. This class will be free to unlimited members .. there will be a charge of 5 euro per class for unlimited members. You will have to book in for this class so please email or text me if you would like to sign up .

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