Sunday, 21 October 2012

Monday 22nd Of October

Press 1 REP Max results

Darryl Jones - 47.5kg - 52.5kg - getting much stronger dude :)
Nora - 27.5kg - 32.5kg
Ben - 70kg - 75kg
Sean Og- 75KG - 82.5KG
Grahame - 50-55kg
Mick Mc - 47.5KG - 50KG
Noel - 47.5kg - 55kg
Joanne - 17.5kg - 22.5kg
Scotty - 55kg - 60kg
Enda - 75kg
Les - 70kg - stayed the same but 20kg incease on your deadlift

Back Squat 1 Rep Max results

Sean Og - 145 - 150kg
John K - 125kg - 127.5kg
John - 140kg
Nora - 65kg
Ben -135kg
Saoirse - 52.5kg - 57.5kg
Mick Lynam - 80 - 85kg - HUGE improvement on his technique and squat depth
Darryl - 75kg- 85kg - BOOM

( These were all the results wrote on the white board guys I know more of you lifted so please let me know your lifts)


October the 22nd of October 

Olympic Lifting 6 week challange 
Lets be testing that skill :)

I would suggest that during this challange that you use the CFWD facilities to your adavantage for the next 6 weeks. Don't forget about the tuesday Olympic Lifting classes on tuesdays at 630 - 730pm.
These classes are FREE to UNLIMITED MEMBERS ..other member packages can make use of this class for a small fee of 12euro.
 I would really love if we had even more members competing at Olympic lifting competitions in the future. Come on CFWD show everyone what ya got :).


1 Rep Max

 Power / Split / Squat Snatch ( the type of snatch you will be testing will be based on your level of flexibility and strength)


21 Deadlifts - 100kg /75kg

21 Box Jumps
15 Deadlifts
15 Box Jumps
9 Deadlifts
9 Box Jumps

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