Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Well the first year is over and what a year it was. This day last year we opened the doors of CrossFit West Dublin.
It has been one of the hardest year of my life in every aspect. It has also been the best year of my life.
Not only have I learned alot about business I have learned alot about the type of people you should have around you. I was lucky at the start of my business that I had so many of my friends around to help me out when things got REALLY tough both personnally and when I needed some business advice. When I began my CrossFit journey at CrossFit Ireland I fell in love with CrossFit and how it made me feel. I had an awesome coach Colm O'Reilly who trained me to be the best I could be. He came out the day I signed the lease and the day we opened shop to show his support. Thanks for everything Colm.

I wanted to give CrossFit to everyone so I decided to take the plunge and open up CFWD. I did not know what to expect. My first members were Paul and Saoirse Malone and they are still members today so really it is their birthday too :) . I did expect it to be hard work and it was. Lucky for me I love what I do so it really did not feel like work.

The journey I have been on over the last year has been very emotional. I have learned that owning a CrossFit doesn't mean you can train all the time. I love to train and CrossFitting with my friends at CFI was how I dealt with things and forgot about my problems for an hour or two. Now that I had my own CrossFit and I was training on my own , I didn't have that anymore. There were times when I felt lost and I missed them so much , but as a good friend mine told me that I had to create my own Institute of Awesomenes :) . So thats what I did!!! As I missed the community so much I realised just how important it was.CFWD has a great community. Every member is so welcoming to new people, helping them out making sure they are involved. I am very lucky with the members I have. Huge THANK YOU CFWD MEMBERS!!!! You make me so happy every day..

 People get so many different things from CrossFit. Some people start coming to CrossFit just to lose a couple of pounds, but they stay to get better and I love that. Some people are already from an athletic background and needed to be in a competitive atmosphere again.
The thing is they all support eachother and celebrate Caroline being able to overhead Squat 22.5kg with just as much gusto as the celebrate Les getting a 190kg deadlift. Ordinary people doing extrordinary things.
There are no words to explain how proud I am of each and everyone of my members. I have so much respect for them. Every time they train they really give the workout and lifts everything they have got.

In a year my business has grown to a place that is really comfortable and I could never ever had imagined that this would have happened so soon. Every day is different and I am learning new skills every day. I am loving every minute of it.

I have lots of people to thank

Katie has barely seen her mammy this year so I would like to thank my gorgeous girl for being so patient and good. I hope you will see me more next year darling x

My Mam and Dad  who mind Katie while I work 50 hours a week(and the rest). I could not have done this without you.

Joe Brady who helped me with my business plan.
Tom Carroll who helped me with the set up - Pull ups bars , boxes at the very beginning. you are an angel Tom.

CrossFit Ireland Thanks for everything Lads..without you I would never have found CrossFit.
Thank all my friends I have met through  CFI - Eimear ,Christina, Leah , James, Jason ,Pete Rosie , Meagan, Tony , Dev,Grace , Nickie,liz..I know there are loads and loads of you .. Thanks all of you for everything.

Les Lennox .. for making me boxes , platforms , beams. Thanks so much Les. I really appreciate everything you have done for me.

Alana Lowe .. for all your help during the year ..covering classes and minding Katie throughout the year.

 My boyfriend Scot Heyes who I met through CrossFit 2 and a half years ago .. Who has been the most amazing supportive person I have ever had in my life. I appreciate everything you have done for me over the last couple of months.

Last but Definately not least CFWD Members ..I love you guys ..Now I hope you are all resting up for the birthday competition on saturday.

I don't know what else to say only that I am a much stronger , happier person then I was this time last year and I am looking forward to Year 2.

Stay Strong ;)


Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Wednesday The 31st Of October

Happy Halloween Everyone !!!!

So the workouts will be released in the morning exited to see you guys in action on saturday.

Skill - Clean

3 sets of 5 ( 80% of your 1 Rep Max)


5 Rounds

5 Power Cleans 40/60kg
10 Toes to Bar
15 Kettle Bell Swings

15 Minute cut off

Tuesday the 30th of October


Front Squats

Sets of ten

70% of yor one rep max


21 Box Jumps 20"/24"
21 Over Head Squats 30kg/45kg
15 Box Jumps
15 Over Head Squats
9 Box Jumps
9 Over Head Squats

12 Minte cut off

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Friday the 26th of October


Over Head Squats

Work up to a heavy set of ten

approx 70% of your 1 Rep Max


12 Handstand Push Ups
12 Power Snatch
12 Pull Ups

9 Hand Stand Puh Ups
9 Power Snatch
9 Pull Ups

6 Hand Stand Push
6 Power Snatch
6 Pull Ups

12 Minutes 

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Thursday the 25th of October


1 Rep Max



Amrap 15 minutes

5 Power Cleans 40kg/60kg
7 Burpees
9 Push Ups

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Wednesday the 24th of October


1 Rep Max

Push / Split Jerk


8 Rounds 
4 Turkish Get ups
8 Toes to bar
12 V- Sits

Monday, 22 October 2012

Tuesday the 23rd of October


Front Squat

Working up to approx 70% of your 1 rep max


25 Burpees 

5 Hand Stand Push Ups
10 Pull Ups 

15 Push Press 35kg/50kg
20 OverHead Squat 35kg/50kg

25 Burpees 

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Monday 22nd Of October

Press 1 REP Max results

Darryl Jones - 47.5kg - 52.5kg - getting much stronger dude :)
Nora - 27.5kg - 32.5kg
Ben - 70kg - 75kg
Sean Og- 75KG - 82.5KG
Grahame - 50-55kg
Mick Mc - 47.5KG - 50KG
Noel - 47.5kg - 55kg
Joanne - 17.5kg - 22.5kg
Scotty - 55kg - 60kg
Enda - 75kg
Les - 70kg - stayed the same but 20kg incease on your deadlift

Back Squat 1 Rep Max results

Sean Og - 145 - 150kg
John K - 125kg - 127.5kg
John - 140kg
Nora - 65kg
Ben -135kg
Saoirse - 52.5kg - 57.5kg
Mick Lynam - 80 - 85kg - HUGE improvement on his technique and squat depth
Darryl - 75kg- 85kg - BOOM

( These were all the results wrote on the white board guys I know more of you lifted so please let me know your lifts)


October the 22nd of October 

Olympic Lifting 6 week challange 
Lets be testing that skill :)

I would suggest that during this challange that you use the CFWD facilities to your adavantage for the next 6 weeks. Don't forget about the tuesday Olympic Lifting classes on tuesdays at 630 - 730pm.
These classes are FREE to UNLIMITED MEMBERS ..other member packages can make use of this class for a small fee of 12euro.
 I would really love if we had even more members competing at Olympic lifting competitions in the future. Come on CFWD show everyone what ya got :).


1 Rep Max

 Power / Split / Squat Snatch ( the type of snatch you will be testing will be based on your level of flexibility and strength)


21 Deadlifts - 100kg /75kg

21 Box Jumps
15 Deadlifts
15 Box Jumps
9 Deadlifts
9 Box Jumps

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Friday the 19th of October


OverHead Squat or
Front Squat

sets of 10


30 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
30 Wall Balls

20 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
20 Wall Balls

10 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
10 Wall Balls

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Thursday the 18th of October


It is your choice today my friends
What have you missed this week ?? What do you need to work on?



15 Minutes 

5 Power Snatch - 35/50kg
7 Burpee Box Jumps ( Just for Darryl)
9 Over Head Squats 35/40kg

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Wednesday the 17th of October



Restest of your 1 Rep Max 


Tabatha something else

20 seconds on
10 seconds rest

Pull ups 4 minutes
Push Ups 4 minutes
Squats 4 minutes
Sit Ups  4 minutes

Tuesday the 16th of October

Deadlift Increases

Joanne - 70KG To 87.5kg
Ben - 170kg to 177.5kg
Noel - 130kg
John Kavanagh - 160 to 175kg
Scotty F - 160 TO 172.5KG
Saoirse - 182.5kg to 187.5kg
Paul Donnelly - 160 to 170kg
Paul Malone - 150 to 160kg
Les - 170 - 190kg
Sean Og - 165 - 190kg
Sarah - 82.5kg
Darryl - 135kg - 142.5kg
Nora - 90kg
John Murphy - 160kg
Joe - 130kg
Grahame - 107.5kg-117.5kg
Sean Myers - 130 - 140kg
Joe Brady - press 35kg  - 37.5kg

Skill today is Back Squat 

Retest of 1 rep max



Power Cleans


Times so far today 

John K - 4.54
Sean Og 2 .43
John Murphy - 3.24
Les - 3.54
Nora - 4.55

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Monday the 15th of October

Retest Week at CFWD

The week is here to retest your 1 rep max

Monday - Deadlift

Tuesday - Press

Wednesday - Back Squat

Thursday - your choice of lift

Friday - Over Head Squat or Front Squat

I am really looking forward to seeing how you have all progressed.

Caroline O'Connor gets an extra special shout out this week.
When Caroline began her CrossFit journey she could not air squat past parallel , NOW Caroline is overhead squating 3 sets of 5 at 22.5kg. Caroline you work so hard and the resultsprove that hard work always pays off. Well done :).

Workout Monday

We miss you Tara :( Hope you feel better soon.

21 Handstand Push Ups
21 Burpees

15 Handstand push ups 
15 Burpees

9 Handstand Push Ups
9 Burpees

Monday, 1 October 2012

Tuesday the 2nd of October

Sean Myers 

As you all know Sean is in the middle of completing his level 1 Weightlifting coaching cert. Sean will be teaching an Olympic Lifting class on saturday morning at 10am .

Sean is going to be a fantastic coach . Coaching seems to come naturally to him and with his perfect tehnique and a good eye for detail you will learn alot from him.

Best of luck Sean.

The class will be finished off with " Grace". 30 clean and Jerks 40kg / 60kg 10 minutes

Open Gym will be frrom 11 until 2pm.

Strength for tomorrow will be Back Squat

5 sets of 3

CrossFit Mallow

Hey Everyone

I bet you are wondering where the WOD is for today ????

Well for the next couple of weeks you will only know the Strength/ Skill part of the day.
CrossFit is also about expecting the unexpected.
So for the next two weeks you will not know the workout until you arrive for your class.

CrossFit Community

We had a CFWD road trip to Mallow this weekend. John Kavanagh and Sean Myers did CFWD so proud this weekend. John rocked the bench press and after round 2 was in the top 8 men. Sean was an absolute pleasure to watch in workout 3 ..he demolished the snatch and Hand Stand Push up WOD.
So proud of both of you guys. You gave it everything you had in every single WOD and it brought a tear to my eye ( happy tears) watching you compete. I'm looking forward to training you for the next competition. When I competed at MM2 it was just me from CFWD and this time we had three athletes. Wonder what MM4 will have in store and how many athletes from CFWD will venture down to the fabulous Mallow Box .
Thanks to Darryl Jones for driving down to support and take photos :) you are a star. Look forward to having you in front of the camera next time Darryl.
Scot and Ben lost their voice they were cheering so much for everyone . You were amazing :). 

We all looked inside our soul for the last workout

30 Toes to bar
30 Kettlebell Swings - 24 Female / 32 men
30 Push Press - 65lb/95lb
30 wall balls
30 Pull ups
30 Burpee Box Jumps

The support of all the affiliates coming together to cheer eachother on was over whelming. The CrossFit community is one of the reasons I fell in love with CrossFit.
The atmostphere at CrossFit Mallow on saturday was nothing like I have seen at ANY other CrossFit Competition. Athletes finishing a workout and staying to cheer on their competitor. You would not see this in anyother sport.

In my opinion every CrossFitter should enter a competition for the amazing ( and a little scary) experience or even just come down and soak up the atmosphere. I will be expecting alot more of you guys down the next time.


Well done to the strongest ladies on the day.

Holly and Amy who came 2nd and 3rd

Maria an amazing athlete , lady and friend. who came 1st

The best men on the day after a row off :)

1st Barry " The Beast " McDermott

2nd Brendan  from Gurellia fitness ( thanks for the t-shirt)

3rd Tadgh Carroll  ( under 10 minute finish on the final workout) AMAZING