Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Wednesday the 6th of March

Warm-up series - 2 push press + 2 jerk behind neck + 2 press behind neck in split position - 4 sets
Power clean + front squat + clean + jerk (3 sec pause in split) - 5 sets

Hang snatch high-pull, flat-footed - 4 x 4

Front squat - 8 x 4 @ 75% TO 80%

Increase weight on all exercises from last week. You may need to keep the increase on the squats minimal depending on how tough they were last week - notice you have another 2 sets this week.
50 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps
30 Push Press 25/40kg
20 Kettlebell Swings
10 Pull Ups
10 Minutes



Monday, 4 March 2013

Tuesday the 5th of March

Week 3 of 11

2 snatch long pull + 2 overhead squat + 2 Sots press x 4 sets


Snatch segment pull (1", knee, hip, finish) + snatch pull - (1+1) x 4 sets

Snatch - 70% x 3 x 5

Snatch push press + OHS - 5 x 3+1

5 rounds
5  pull Ups
10 V-sits
5 Toes to bar
10 Burpees


Sunday, 3 March 2013

Monday the 4th of March

Monday March 4th


Warm-up series - 2 snatch long pull + 2 snatch push press + 2 overhead squats - 4 sets

Power snatch + OHS + snatch (2 sec pause in bottom of OHS and snatch) x 5 sets
Push press + jerk behind neck + jerk (5 sec hold in split) x 5 sets

Jerk dip squat - 5 x 3
Add weight to all exercises today. Next week will be a lighter week, so push your weight increases this week.
12 minutes
20 double unders
20Backsquats 40/60kg
200m run


CrossFit West Dublin Olympic Lifting meet review

                                                          CROSSFIT WEST DUBLIN
On Saturday 2nd March, CrossFit West Dublin held an in house Olympic Lifting Meet for CFWD Athletes. After 3 weeks of the current 12 week Olympic Lifting program, this gave members an opportunity to see where each of you have seen improvements. Improvements have been made primarily in technique and execution of the 2 Lifts, which have transferred into heavier weights being lifted.
Well done to all Lifters, who took advantage of the opportunity to lift in a controlled competitive environment. It can be a pretty daunting thought to be put on the platform, in the spotlight, with the eyes of your fellow lifters and judges on you. CFWD Lifters who took part -  Karen O’Shea who was the only female to represent along with, Darryl Jones, Graeme Todd, John Kavanagh and Paul Malone.  
Darryl Jones –
Snatch –
Darryl opened with 45kgs and missed 50kgs on his 2nd and 3rd attempts. However Darryl managed an easy 50kg Power Snatch in his warm up. This just goes to show the mental effect of the Platform can have on a lifter.  
Clean and Jerk –
Opening Lift was 65kgs, he failed his second attempt at 70kgs, but came back well in his last Lift and got the 70kgs.
Total – 115kgs 
Graeme Todd –
Snatch –
Graeme opened with a great lift at 50kgs, but failed at 55kgs for his 2nd and 3rd attempts. Graeme has recently made huge improvements in strength and ability in executing lifts. It is only a matter of time before Graeme pushes past the 55kgs Snatch to a 60kg+.
Clean and Jerk –
Opening lift for Graeme was 60kgs, this was a good lift which was followed with another good lift at 62.5kgs and also got another good lift for his 3rd Lift at 65kgs. Nice Lifting from Graeme and was the only Lifter to get 3 good lifts in his Clean and Jerk. 
Total – 115kgs
 John Kavanagh –
Snatch –
John opened with a comfortable 57.5kg Slpit Snatch, and went on to lift 62.5kg for his second good lift. John then went onto lift 70kg, and missed that weight.
Clean and Jerk –
John opened his Clean and Jerk with a good lift at 77.5kg, this was followed with another clean lift at 82.5kg and went for 85kg on his 3rd attempt and missed this lift. 
Total – 140kgs
Paul Malone
Snatch –
Pauls first lift was an easy 60kgs, which flew up. Paul added 2.5kgs an secured his second lift at 62.5kgs. Pauls last attempt was 65kgs, which he just missed, but it is not far away.
Clean and Jerk –
Opening lift was a good lift at 82.5kgs, this was followed another good lift at 87.5kgs. Paul went for 90kgs for his last lift which was a no lift, due to a slight push out on his right arm.
Total – 150kgs
Karen O’Shea –
Snatch –
Karen opened with a 15kg Snatch, which flew up. Karens second and third attempt was at 25kgs, which she missed due to pressing out both lifts.
Clean and Jerk –
Karen opened with 27.5kgs, which was a good lift, followed with 30kgs which was a missed lift. Karen went for 30kgs again on her last lift of the day and successfully nailed it!!
Total – 45kgs
One point that must be made is that Karen has only been exposed to Olympic Lifting very recently. To take on what she has learnt at this early stage and have the confidence to get on the platform and mix it up with the Male Lifters is a credit to her, this credit should be shared by everyone else involved, fellow Lifters and Coaches alike who made the day and the environment a comfortable place to Lift.
Karen has also confirmed that she will be one of the female lifters who will be competing in the All Ladies Olympic Lifting Competition, which will be held at CFWD. It would be good to see as much support as possible for the CFWD Lifters on the day.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Saturday WOD


20 Front rack walking Lunge 40kg/60kg
9 Snatch Grip Deadlift 60kg/40kg
9 Shoulder to Overhead 60kg/40kg
20 Front rack walking lunges 60kg/40kg
7 Snatch Grip Deadlift
7 Shoulder to Overhead
20 Front Rack walking lunges
5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 Shoulder to Overhead
200 Double Unders
( for every time you stop do 3 HSPU)
40 Pull Ups
30 Knees to elbow
100 metre KB Farmers carry 24/16kg
400 m run